Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reason #2,239 I Should Learn to Sew

I have become obsessed with convertible dresses.

They're not a new idea, even to me. A few years ago I caught wind of an American Apparel convertible jersey dress and became a bit obsessed. A trip to the store a few blocks from me revealed, however, that the jersey was extremely thin and weird. I was truly bummed.

A few weeks ago I picked up a dress with a somewhat convertible top for a wedding, and while describing to my friend Jenna, she mentioned American Apparel to me again- this time with Le Sac dress. We both purchased one and played with them over the weekend.

Royal blue is my favorite color, but I went with the heathered blue because it felt a bit softer and more wrinkle-resistant. After playing with this a few days, my convertible obsession has been fueled again. How odd that Gilt should then start selling one?

I realize $99 is a steal for a $258 dress, but I just can't justify it right now. So I started puttering on the net. Apparently, it's not difficult to sew. There's even a pattern posted.

Though it seems a simple enough pattern, I also know my sewing skills leave something to be desired. So I will just have to see what I can get Jenna or my mother (both wizards with fabric) to take as a bribe.

I especially love the Butter by Nadia website, that has the cutest videos demonstrating how to wear these dresses. I personally like to click Song A.

P.S. If you live in the KC area and were interested in Emmy-Ray's jewelry, I hope you notice she wrote in the comments to let us know where she's selling:

"Hey ladies, I actually sell at bon bon atelier in Westport. Right now they have some fun items like some of my skulls, guns, and key necklaces. I'm doing a large shop update this week, and then I'll also be at the Ric Rac Roundup in Westport on July 24th with all kinds of goodies."


  1. Thanks for letting me know about the comment! I go to Bon Bon occasionally, so I'm surprised I never noticed her stuff there before. Now I know to look. :)

    And ummm yeah I am totally with you on this post. I dabble in a little sewing but sometimes (all the time) I wish fervently to have the sewing skills to create dresses and shirts and skirts. There are so many awesome fabric places in town and if I had the skills, my wardrobe would be the cutest thing ever. Lol.

    Good luck getting the dress made! xo

  2. Convertible dresses are super cute, and so fun!
    I think they have much more potential for those who can get away with going braless. Then those great plunging neckline and backless versions can really be showcased.

    I like your dress a lot though, can't wait to see all your different stylings!

    Chic on the Cheap

  3. I have a Rachel Pally convertable dress that I love. I feel like it really is a timeless piece!

  4. I found this convertible dress ant thought I'd pass it on: http://edufracked.wordpress.com/2009/12/22/i-want/. It's expensive but supposedly it can be worn like 110 different ways.


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